
The Simpsons: HD!!! FINALLY

Feb 15th was the day that Simpsons began transmitting its episodes in HD!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Not many things changed, it kept the basics... (bart in the chalk board, homer screaming DOH!) but few changed. I believe it ROCKS!!!! Total happiness for me..

Electronic INVASION!!!! (Smog)

Electronic smog, or invasion for this post, is an attack from all devices to us.
It consists in radiation coming out of everything that is called as "technology" practically.
The Effects of this Invasion are pain, paralysis, strokes and so one...
Its really bad for us...
Therefore, we should take care about it...
but there's no much that we could do to fix it, but to stay away from the tech.


Photoshop Tools?

WOW! This is THE best magnet i've seen so far...
Available for all Designers at: MENINOS